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Table 1 Overview of indicators their formula and which improvements are considered

From: Benchmarking bulkers delivered between 2010 and 2016, identifying the effect of the EEDI introduction





\( \frac{\left(\sum \left({P}_{ME i}\ast {SFC}_{ME}\ast {CF}_{fuel}\right)+\sum \left({P}_{AUXi}\ast {SFC}_{AUXi}\ast {CF}_{fuel}\right)\right)}{DWT\ast {V}_{design}} \)(1)

Hull Shape, Lightweight materials, Air Lubrication, Hull Coating, Other Resistance Reductions, Waste Heat Recovery, Hybrid power, Power system,Propulsion efficiency devices, On Board Power Demand, Design Speed, Solar Power, Wind Power, Fuel Cells, Biofuels, LNG

EEDI (Simplified)

\( \frac{\left(\sum {P}_{MEi}+\sum {P}_{AUXi}\right)}{DWT\ast {V}_{design}} \) (2)

Hull Shape, Lightweight materials, Air Lubrication, Hull Coating, Other Resistance Reductions, Waste Heat Recovery, Power system,Propulsion efficiency devices, Design Speed

Admiralty Constant

\( \frac{\nabla^{2/3}\ast {V}_{design}^3}{\sum {P}_{MEi}} \) (3)

Vessel Size, Hull Shape, Lightweight materials, Air Lubrication, Hull Coating, Other Resistance Reductions, Power system,Propulsion efficiency devices, Design Speed, Wind Power

Power Ratio

\( \frac{\sum {P}_{MEi}}{P_{Estimated\left(H\&M\right)}} \) (4)

Hull Shape, Air Lubrication, Hull Coating, Other Resistance Reductions, Power system,Propulsion efficiency devices, Design Speed, Wind Power

Block Coefficient

\( {C}_b=\frac{\nabla}{L\ast B\ast T}=\frac{\Delta}{L\ast B\ast T\ast \rho }=\frac{DWT+ LDT}{L\ast B\ast T\ast \rho } \) (5)

Hull Shape

Lightweight (LDT) Ratio

\( \frac{LDT}{LDT_{Estimated(Watson)}} or\frac{C_b\ast L\ast B\ast T\ast \rho - DWT}{LDT_{Estimated(Watson)}} \) (6)

Hull Shape, Lightweight materials

Speed Ratio

\( \frac{V_{design}}{\left(\sqrt{g\ast L}\ast {F}_{n, Avg}\right)} \) (7)

Vessel Size, Hull Shape

Froude Number

\( \frac{V_{design}}{\sqrt{g\ast L}} \) (8)

Vessel Size, Hull Shape

Length over Width Ratio

\( \frac{L}{B} \) (9)

Hull Shape

Length Ratio

\( \frac{L}{\nabla^{\raisebox{1ex}{$1$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{$3$}\right.}} \) (10)

Hull Shape

Area to volume ratio

\( \frac{WSA}{\sqrt{\nabla \ast L}} \) (11)

Hull Shape

  1. = Displacement of the vessel in m3
  2. Δ= Displacement of the vessel in ton can be found by adding LDT and DWT
  3. ρ = Density of seawater in ton/m3
  4. B = Moulded width of the vessel
  5. CFfuel = Carbon Factor, the amount of grams (new) CO2 produced on combustion of a gram of fuel
  6. DWT = Deadweight, the carrying capacity of a ship, it includes all weights that are not fixed on to the ship
  7. g = Earth’s gravity, 9.81 m/s2
  8. L = Length of the vessel (commonly the length between perpendiculars, as overall length is too inaccurate)
  9. LDT = Lightweight, the total weight of the empty vessel
  10. LDTEstimated(Watson) = Lightweight estimated making use of Lloyd’s E numeral as demonstrated by Watson (1998)
  11. PMEi = Power of each (i) main engine
  12. PAUXi = Power of each (i) Auxiliary engine
  13. PEstimated(H&M) = Propulsion power estimated with the use of Holtrop and Mennen (1982)
  14. SFCx = Specific fuel consumption of an engine in g/kWh
  15. T = Moulded draft of the vessel
  16. Vdesign = the design speed of the vessel
  17. WSA = Wetted Surface Area, the total area of the submerged vessel, responsible for the frictional resistance of the vessel