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Table 6 Social dimension actions and measures.

From: Revisiting port sustainability as a foundation for the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)

Areas for action


Employees rights

Improvement of employee’s welfare and health

Non-discriminative employment

Ensuring gender equality and diversity in employment

Provision of continuous training and education

Maintaining employees’ job security

Safety and security

Monitoring, control and minimisation of accidents and near miss incidents

Improvement of work security and safety

Implementation of ISPS code

Preparation of disasters and incidents contingency plans

Preparation of hazardous and dangerous materials storage plans, e.g. safe cargo handling according to IMDG Codea

Improvement in safety of infrastructure and roads

Ensuring safe and secure navigation for ships

Collaboration with supply chain members to minimise risks, and improve safety


Support of local employment (job opportunities)

Encouragement of public participation in port environmental projects planning

Recognising the requirements of the neighbouring community (e.g., via public opinion survey)

Managing visual impact and improving city scenerya

Mitigation of value decrease in community real estate because of repellent operations (e.g. cargo pipelines, stockpiles, noise)a

Expanding corporate social responsibility (CSR) to include communities (e.g. provision of scholarships, internships, and vocational training for locals, offering local tours, supporting economically local projects and tourism industry development)

Partnership with academics/research institutions, e.g., for project evaluation

Reporting of port sustainability through (GRI guidelines) and/or in port website


Facilitating seafarers’ welfare by permitting port and city calls

Facilitating crew changes and repatriation

Ensuring seafarers rights are well taken care of on board calling ships

  1. aDiscussed earlier within the environmental section, but still, it is essential for safety and security, and community