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Table 2 List of the literature, considering slow steaming within eight criteria

From: Assessing the macroeconomic and social impacts of slow steaming in shipping: a literature review on small island developing states and least developed countries

Geographic remoteness of and connectivity to main markets

Cargo value and type

Transport dependency

Transport cost

Food security

Disaster response


Socio-economic progress and development

Hummel’s and Schaur (2012)

Hämäläinen (2014)

APEC (2019)

Zanne et al. (2013)

Carson (2016)

Psaraftis and Kontovas (2020)

Lindstad et al. (2012)

UNCTAD (2014)

Maloni et al. (2013)

Psaraftis and Kontovas (2014)

OECD (2014)

Psaraftis and Kontovas (2010)

Karampampa (2014)

UNCTAD (2014)

Faber et al. (2012)

Sanchez et al. (2003)

Wilmsmeier and Sanchez (2009)

Jivén et al. (2020)

Zanne et al. (2013)

Dagkinis and Nikitakos (2015)

Soyer, Tettenborn (2016)

Mimura (2013)

Finnsgård et al. (2020)

Wilmsmeier and Sanchez (2009)

Centre for International Economy (Argentina) (2020)

CEI (2019)

Wilmsmeier and Sanchez (2009)

Cepeda et al. (2017)


OECD (2014)

Zanne et al. (2013)

Newell et al. (2015)

Ferrari et al., (2015)

Karampampa (2014)

Holland et al. (2014)

Zhao et al. (2020)


Holland et al. (2014)

Cepeda et al (2017)

Jivén, et al. (2020)

APEC (2019)

Soyer, Tettenborn, (2016)

Mallidis et al. (2018)

Gurning et al. (2017)


Robinson (2020)

Mander (2017)

Doelle and Chircop (2019)


Kontovas and Psaraftis (2011a)

UNCTAD (2014)

Wu (2020)


Centre for International Economy (Argentina) (2020)


Wiesmann (2010)

Yin et al. (2014)

Armstrong (2013)


Centre for International Economy (Argentina) (2021)


Wilmsmeier and Sanchez (2009)

Psaraftis and Zis, (2020)

Notteboom et al. (2021)


MEPC 62/INF.7 (2011)


Zanne et al. (2013)

Hummels et al. (2012)

Pradana et al. (2020)


Mander (2017)

Psaraftis and Kontovas (2010)

Elzarka & Morsi (2014)


UNCTAD (2014)

Oliveira (2014)

Carson (2016)


Mundaca et al. (2021)

Finnsgård et al. (2020)


Psaraftis and Kontovas (2020)

Cepeda & Caprace (2015)


Robinson (2020)

Balcombe et al. (2019)


Hämäläinen (2014)


Valentine et al (2013)


Centre for International Economy (Argentina) (2020)


Kontovas and Psaraftis (2011b)