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Table 1 Theoretical exercise assumptions

From: Just in time vessel arrival system for dry bulk carriers


Vessel/voyage characteristics

External effects

General conditions/assumptions

Equal dimensions and technical details

(Nautical) Speed advancement and -delay effects are deemed not to apply for any route (total value of wind-, sea-, swell and current effects are deemed to be equal to zero, SOG equal STW, DOG equal DTW)

Equal awareness concerning berth availability (NABSW)

(Administrative) Speed advancement and -delay effects are deemed not to apply for any route (i.e. absence of speed limitations concerning TSS)

Equal distance to FP when awareness of NABSW is gained

(Physical obstruction) Speed advancement and -delay effects are deemed not to apply for any route (i.e. absence of shallow water areas, narrow passages)

Common Due Dispatch (DD) Speed

Distance Increments of any nature (i.e. by island, off shore structures etc.) are deemed not to apply for/ to any route

Potential main engine utilisation to i.e. respond immediately to hazardous situations while adrift or at anchor is not taken into consideration


Utilisation of distillate fuels for the operation of auxiliary engines is not taken into consideration


Minimum safe and sensible navigation speed is deemed to be 9.0 nm/h


FCFS mechanism

Continuous Due Dispatch (DD) Navigation


Static VAS mechanism

Notified Time of Arrival (term adapted from NVAS), 7 days


Prior to Notified Time of Arrival continuous DD speed applied



1st. Vessel’s RTA deemed to be equal to the NABSW (JIT arrival)