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Table 2 Cost elements for purchase of loading/unloading technologies

From: Automation in cargo loading/unloading processes: do unmanned loading technologies bring benefits when both purchase and operational cost are considered?

Purchase costs


Equipment cost (technology and/or forklifts)

These costs relate to the cost of the new device. It concerns therefore either forklifts or any of the ALUT systems

Project extra costs

This line adds up the extra project costs as there are: direct costs for the installation/delivery/set-up etc. of the device and the costs with setting-up the infrastructure needed to enable the equipment use

Cost from 3rd parties

This type of cost refers to the extra costs paid by third parties for custom-made equipment (e.g. cost of having trailers modified). In the context of this exercise, it was taken into account that these costs are incurred by third parties (e.g. road carriers), but they are passed on to the user of the technology (e.g. client/warehouse owner), through fees or higher service prices

Indirect cost

This field adds the indirect costs (e.g. costs to install/develop additional premium functionalities (by someone outside the company) or costs of parties monitoring the purchase process (from inside or outside the purchasing company, e.g. management of the construction)

Risk funds

This field indicates the total costs associated with the project risks (e.g. possible additional management/communication costs related to direct or indirect costs, if applicable) or emergencies (e.g. for unforeseen situations, operational interruption due to a technical problem, etc.)