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Table 14 Factor loadings per item (organizational culture)

From: Factors affecting E-HRM practices in Greek shipping management companies: the role of organizational culture, cultural intelligence, and innovation


Group culture (Factor 1)

Hierarchical culture (Factor 2)

Formalized procedures generally govern what people do



Objectives and targets are clearly defined; thus, success is achieved on the basis of winning and leading in the marketplace



Our management style prioritizes and emphasizes conformity, predictability, stability, efficiency, and control



Development of human resources and concern about employees are highly valued



Our employees are encouraged to work as a team, take decisions, exchange and discuss opinions, experiences, and ideas with each other and their supervisors



Our management style is characterized by teamwork, consensus, and participation



Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis


Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. A


a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations

  1. Source: Authors