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Table 16 Factor loadings per item (digital culture and leadership)

From: Factors affecting E-HRM practices in Greek shipping management companies: the role of organizational culture, cultural intelligence, and innovation


Digital culture (Factor 1)

Leadership (Factor 2)

There is a clear orientation to digital technology changes inside the company’s operations



Digital innovation and change take part as a natural process within the company



The organization invests in developing digital tools that facilitate operations



The organization shares with the staff the digital strategy, taking into consideration their suggestions



Digital fluency is considered a key competency for every new entrant



In our firm, individual employees’ digital competencies and contacts are identified and recognized by our leaders



In our firm, leaders develop trust in the employees’ digital skills



In our firm, leaders provide necessary information to employees



In our firm, leaders act as digital learning guides and coaches



Extraction method: principal component analysis


Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. A


a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations

  1. Source: Authors